Sunday, October 19, 2008

Snowbirds?...or just getting snowed

There are a few out there trying to make a case about candidates receiving money from out of town contributors. Well, we can’t expect much more when our local elections got moved from March to November (another brilliant decision from the last administration!) and a big percentage of our voters are still out of State, not arriving until usually after Thanksgiving. 75% in my community are not in residence.

This is one of the main problems with moving the election. Snowbirds. So, I wouldn’t make too much of the out-of-state money conspiracy theory. Don’t waste your time thinking about it. Look instead at all the PAC money or money from special interest groups. Now that might be a story!

I received Bob Kanjian’s advertisement yesterday and there was no surprise when I read he was endorsed (which means he received money from) by the Construction Association of South Florida, Associated Builders and Contractors, Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches, Citizens for Economic Growth, Floridians for Smarter Growth, and the Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches, to name a few of the very same organizations that are fighting desperately to defeat Florida Hometown Democracy and have poured millions into that defeat. These are the same groups that defeated the SuperMajority by 119 votes along with the Power Grab folks right here in Lake Worth.

In order to get the best government that we deserve, we all need to really see the light and reject those candidates who take the money from these special interest groups that have had a stronghold on our State, our County and our City for far too long.

Let's start at the top of the ballot and vote Democrat. Vote for Shelley Vana on November 4 for Palm Beach County Commissioner District 3 and you won’t get “snowed.” Vote for Rene Varela for Lake Worth Commissioner District 4 and get good, fiscal responsibility without a snow job or someone beholding to special interests.