Thursday, February 26, 2009

Water Contract--The Blame--The Shame

Blame it on:
City Manager Bob Baldwin
Finance Director Mark Bates

Blame it next on:
Mayor Jeff Clemens
Former Commissioner David Vespo
Commissioner Retha Lowe who followed the lead of the above two and believed in Staff.

Blame it next on the Greed of Palm Beach County Utilities, its Staff, fooling all of the above and all along, in the back of their heads, wanting their greedy hands on our valuable water. Or is there more to it?

Blame it finally on Addie Greene, Burt Aaronson and Jeff Koons who will not entertain even the very idea of doing what is right for the people of Lake Worth. To them, it is all about the Commissioner Koons who made it very clear that he wants a central South Regional Water Plant and we are a main ingredient to that plan.

Government is supposed to look after the best interests of ALL the people, not just some. Because of the world's worst decision brought on the people of Lake Worth, our own County Commissioners have thrown us to the wolves.

Fiscal restraint and common sense were non-existent when three Lake Worth Commissioners did what they did. Once the waste from the RO was solved with deep-well injection rather than running it off into our ocean, we had to continue on with our Reverse Osmosis after already spending $14 million dollars. That ain't hay, Mayor.