Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tri-Rail joins the ranks for raising prices

Tri-Rail is raising rates by 25%. Why not? Everything else is going up? Do you really think the entire economy is in this bad of shape because of some criminal bankers, mortgage brokers and people who bought houses they could not afford? I guess so. The government says that we are experiencing hardly any inflation. Tell that to the consumer. Next, the rental car tax is coming forward for our PB County Commission to vote on to help Tri-Rail. If it doesn’t pass, Tri-Rail says that it will cut back on services. ??

I started talking to a stranger in the Publix check-out line yesterday. I asked him how he was doing. “Not so good,” he said. “I can’t find a job. I lost my house. Prices are up on everything. It is really tough but I’m trying to stay positive.” I was sort of sorry that I asked him.

When you see prices escalating, services diminished, unemployment up, it doesn’t make for a very good day.