Monday, January 31, 2011

City Mgr Stanton projects a $4.5 million shortfall this year

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OMB 1. FY 2011-2012 BUDGET
The FY 2011-2012 budget process has begun. Based on the latest projection of revenues and expenditures for the General Fund, the City will have a shortfall of $4.5 million if no changes are made to expenditures.

Ms. Stanton says, "The budget team, and Department Directors, in conjunction with my office, will be working to identify ways to eliminate the shortfall."

Perhaps we can ask the Unions. We can't even get rid of a Union worker if they are not up to snuff.


Anonymous said...

Can we get rid of all these greedy employees?

Anonymous said...

Don't blame it on "greedy employees". They signed on to a system and the union. It is there to protect them. What happens when over time the union contract gets more and more lucrative? Used to be that if you got a city job, the pay was usually substandard, BUT, you had excellent benefits, don't have to work too hard and can retire with defined monthly checks to supplement your social security.

NOW.... you get paid based upon what ever municipality (local or otherwise) that compares somewhat in size, usually population (without regard to demographics) with still great benefits.

Like comparing us to Palm Beach Gardens.

The unions are going to have a bunch of angry people on their hands. Promises that were made years ago when things were fat are now going to dry up. And quick! Guess who we will be seeing picketing outside commission meetings? As a payer of these benefits to employees past and present, please understand I am not willing to pay fat salaries and bennefits any more when I have had to cut back.

The fact that we have a CM who can't read an employment contract or is willing to put my money at risk to get rid of two problem employees, show incompetence beyond words. She needs to be held accountable. We can get a lot more for a hell of a lot less.