Monday, January 24, 2011

Landscaping at the New Casino

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The Planning and Zoning Board met on the Casino and said that additional oversight of the proposed landscaping should include an emphasis on as little sod use as possible (along perimeters) as well as an appropriate ratio of deciduous trees verses palms, and a process for archaeological oversight of the project’s construction should be a requirement.

I think all government can be a little bit officious to the point of stupid at times. People come to Florida to see THE PALM TREES. They especially like Coconut Palm trees.

The P&Z wants to see a bus stop on the plan even though NO BUSES GO TO LAKE WORTH BEACH. Whatever.


John Rinaldi said...

I agree Lynn. Everyone I meet that comes down to escape the cold is looking for Palm trees. Think how great it is to see green grass and flowers in winter instead of dirty snow covered streets. When they cut the grass in the golf course early in the morning our guests love the smell. Marketing the beach as a tropical getaway is the way to go.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lynn,

Just an observation about the Palm Trees. One Coconut Trees are not native to Florida and even worse during Hurricanes they are serious missiles of damage which means the city will have to spend additional funds to keep them trimmed for safety. There are so many other Palm trees that will say tropical, native and cost less to maintain....Just a thought that I should have brought up at the P&Z Meeting.

Lynn Anderson said...

This City does a piss poor job of maintaining anything--ever. It is totally disgusting that they can't just do the general ordinary day to day maintenance much less prepare for a hurricane. If we can't take care of our city then we do NOT deserve a city--or on 2nd thought, fire all of them and let's start from scratch.

Anonymous said...

Definitely palm trees is the way to go at our beach. I would like to see some actually planted on the beach.