Monday, June 27, 2011

Election Lake Worth

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No, this is not Roseanne Barr playing this role.
In spite of the rare smile,
this is the DOOM & GLOOM candidate for Mayor



Anonymous said...

Oh Lynn, this takes the cake!
Too funny!
Obviously the intent is to scare people, but this one's just going to get belly laughs!

Chris said...

You are so good at photoshopping. I really liked the job you did on the bison ... it looks just like your candidate.

Anonymous said...

This blog constantly screams about the other candidates using" FEAR TACTICS" and how vile their tactics are.
If you could stand back and be objective about your own blog, you would be equally outraged about your own political antics!

Lynn Anderson said...

Awh gee, you don't like my graphics. I am NOT a candidate. This is an opinion/advocacy blog. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Maxwell looks like she always looks except for the cape. So what's the problem, anony?

Brian M said...

I have been following your blog for a couple of weeks now and through observation I find that you must be really threatened by Lisa Maxwell or maybe there's some jealousy there, I am not sure. There are three other candidates running against Rachel and you seem to pinpoint Maxwell constantly, even when its not relative to what you are blogging about. Leave one to question your antics? Are you threatened or do you just jealous?

Lynn Anderson said...

Right, Brian...really scared. My blogs always have a point.

Anonymous said...

Lisa is Satan?
If anyone did that to your candidate, you'd be off the charts mad about it, and you know it I hope.
You seem to have become all the things you hate about the 'other sides'
What happened?

Lynn Anderson said...

Oh really?
This is not Satan. Satan has a tail. And Satan never smiles.

Anonymous said...

She Devil was a movie and it was a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

very funny. I went before her several years ago at planning. I thought she was going to bite me.

Anonymous said...

Why Is everyone so afraid of or intimidated by a candidate who's tough? I thought you admired that about Stanton...
Stanton is not the smiley-friendly person you seem to so admire...but you seem to be a huge supporter of hers.
Have you ever had a conversation with Lisa about the campaign?

Anonymous said...

OMG -for a second I didn't know it was Lisa!I thought it was just some generic picture of a guy in a devil costume!

Lynn Anderson said...

Please understand this--Susan Stanton is NOT running for Mayor or any other elected office. She smiles a heck of a lot more than does Maxwell, either one of them.
Next, Lisa Maxwell is the candidate. She should be reaching out to all of LW, not just some of the residents like the GLBT community. If she really wants to represent all of Lake Worth, it is not apparent to many of us.
Next point, she has made so many errors when stating a position that I can not support her. She continues to state the same msitake over and over. She is not learning or attempting to learn the facts. However, I will say, she is smart enough to learn. The other thing I would like to point out is that Lisa ran a clean "public" campaign. Her mailers were safely done and she did not pull a "Ramiccio."

Anonymous said...

Being tough and being mean are two different things.

Anonymous said...

Lisa looks pretty good in this photo. I don't see a thing wrong with it.