Saturday, August 13, 2011

Illegal Immigration - not a race issue

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While the US may have some indirect responsibility for the failure of economies like Mexico to be able to absorb its own work force (NAFTA’s agricultural impact on Mexican subsistence farmers) the bottom line is it is not the United States of America’s responsibility to solve the unemployment problem in Mexico or anywhere else....

Where I believe a lot of the anger against illegal aliens comes from is this “entitlement” attitude of the immigrants that since they have problems in their own country, they can leave, illegally enter our country, and expect to have their problem solved at our expense...

It is not a race issue. It is who plays by the rules and who does not issue.

Read the entire article at the Tuscon Citizen by Hugh Holub.


Joseph said...

The biggest problem with illegal immigration in the USA really is all about human trafficking, our country and Mexico and others do nothing about all this human trafficking and it almost seems like big business and the USA are working with these traffickers and our politicians to just allow it. We need to first stop human trafficking, these people are coaxed into coming here, enticed to pay upwards of $10K to come to get a better life, more money, and to be able to to send money back home, a lot of empty promises and it is all very sad. Until we all get serious about human trafficking, we are always going to have this problem of illegal here, they go hand in hand. I think it is so sad that these people come here, have kids here, live int he shadows for years, overlooked by our government and police, and then one day caught and face deportation when their kids and others are here now, all a very sad story. We need to stop human trafficking first, it is a big money makers, not sure who is getting all this money that these immigrants pay to come here, but is it sad and needs to stop. My heart goes our to every immigrant who suffered and lives in the shadows of thinking they are coming to the promised land here, but to suffer so much persecution and hate toward many of us here. It is all very sad, human trafficking needs to be stopped by our governments.

Joe said...

Illegal immigrants are not innocent, they are though preyed upon and enticed to come here from their countries, paying lots of money to come with many false promises, these people are the least educated, never going to school and people who are quite poor, the sad thing about this is human trafficking, promising, preying on them, abusing them while they are in the USA, living in the shadows, they have been enticed to come, preyed upon, they are the modern day slaves of the USA and a big part of our workforce, it is all very sad, we must stop human trafficking and enforce all laws about working here. You still see so many illegals working here, they all get away with it, who is really doing anything about it? Don't see much enforcement of anything, not the illegal work or the human trafficking, someone is overlooking a lot, our government is to blame and they need to stop human trafficking, period.

Joseph said...

The illegal immigrants do not get in this country on their own, it is all a huge organized conglomerate that brings them in, any one person or group of illegals trying to come in on their own have a hard time, their are routes, tunnels, plans, corrupt agents, etc. that are getting them in, they pay a lot of money to come here, preyed upon to come here. It is true human trafficking is the bigger picture of it all. There have been a few movies made on all of this and the journey of the immigrants coming here, it is very sad, especially all the torture of the trafficked people by the Mexican police who are so corrupt. Human trafficking must stop so to stop all this illegal immigration, our governments need to step up to the plate on this if they really care about people and human beings and not money and profits. We need a campaign in this country against human trafficking.

Anonymous said...

I blame our government first and the churches next.