Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Quote of the Day - Allen West

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"I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool."
~ Congressman Allen West

This has to be one of my favorites said in July 2011.


Austin said...

I remember when my friend Jose Hernandez died in Afghanistan Rep. West was kind enough to come to his memorial service at the Lake Worth beach. Being a democrat and being from a family with historical military roots myself I spoke to him and told him that while we may have different philosophical opinions he has to be willing to compromise. I still hope that sometime in the next year he will come to realize that compromise will not only help our nation but also his chances of winning another term. Until then, I will continue to regret that the lifeguard wasn't watching when he jumped in the gene pool.

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks, Austin, Col. Allen West was talking about Obama. Col. Allen West, when it comes to the American soldier, does not see a Party, only a patriot.

Anonymous said...

Hey Austin,screw you for using a"friends" memorial service to get political.How dare you tell a man like Congressman West to do ANYTHING? Disgusting little piss ant. Go ask the govt to give you some more,Austin. You're obviously a part of the entitled mentality,not the serving mentality that your "friend " was.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a real ignorant statement to make, I am loosing respect for West now. Very insensitive to say the least.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to the President look at what's happened instead of party.
-Somehow prevented a worse recession/possible depression, started by a Republican administration.
-Part of the team that killed Bin Landen. He wasn't looking under his desk and making jokes like you know who.
-Got all troops out of Iraq which will save the U.S. trillions, not to mention lives and catastrophic injuries.
-Will soon be getting all troops out of Afghanistan, saving the U.S. trillions
-Continues to fight for the poor and working class, which will only make the U.S. in the future. I could never understand how a poor or middle class Republican could support a party that is so obviously more interested in helping the rich? Who is that helping? Where are all the jobs the "job creators" have created after 11 years of a tax break?
-First President to get Health Care passed
-Has withstood every underhanded attempt by the GOP to make him fail and make him look bad and he's still standing strong and will succeed in the end without any help from the party that really ran up the debt and caused the mess.
I was going to ask if anyone thinks McCain/Palin would have done any better, but that's too funny a question.
No wonder Westie's so concerned about being part of a group with an 11% approval rating. Every time he opens his mouth the % gets lower.

Austin said...

Actually anoy: 11:30pm Btw if you had any guts you would use your real name. I don't get any entitlements at all so stop drinking the kool aid. He was talking about people who have Obama bumper stickers which by the way is me. The fact that I feel like I have to defend myself against a Congressmen is telling in itself.

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks for all the cut and paste crap above.
Now Austin, I love this quote of West's. You mean to say that you don't believe it?

Austin said...

Lynn, the point is that when you have someone with this **** coming out of their mouth, how is anything going to get done in this country? The taxes of the middle class will now go up because the Tea Party would not compromise unlike their colleagues in the senate. I'm sure they aren't too worried though because wealthy individuals will still have their tax cuts. No wonder why this is the most unpopular congress ever.

Anonymous said...

I am a believer in the Tea party (taxed Enough Already). I am also in support of the "occupy" movement as they show their frustration over the rising in-equality of a system that has spiraled out of control.

Are people who make $250K a year the 1%? You know... the rich? Hell no! If Obama had used a more realistic amount representative of excessive wealth and if Republicans could get beyond the "no new taxes" mentality, even when the "super rich" can afford to contribute more, we might be able to move forward.

Common sense seems to be lacking in the debate and that compromise has become a re-election buster will continue to see the two sides get further and further apart.

It will probably take a revolution to change things. But both sides must realize, the problem rests not in the middle. BOTH sides are right. The super rich do need an adjustment in their "fair share" (billionaires have replaced millionaires) AND the Federal Government IS bloated and getting bigger (government pay/benefits and number of positions have outstripped the private sector).

Allen West has earned the right to speak his mind. Austin, how many other people who represent you in congress showed up to honor one of our own local heroes who gave everything for his country?

Anonymous said...

Allen West has earned the right to speak his mind, but some of the stuff he says...............

Anonymous said...

Everything he says is right on the money.