Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Christopher McVoy

Comment Up

I can't think of any blogger on the Internet who goes after another blogger in quite the same fashion, if at all, for a different opinion other than the campaign manager for Jim Stafford who still continues to hammer me on his blog telling the world that I am a liar. So, here is something to contemplate--an honest candidate for re-election:



No increase in millage rate
No increase in water rates
No increase in sewer rates


Sue said...

I agree Lynn, Chris is a good guy, he is nice, down to earth, and cares. He is so much better than Stafford who ran that hateful blog years ago and knocked the city so much. Stafford and Blackman are of the same clothe, nasty guys, McVoy might not act too sharp, but he is a decent caring man compared to the evil spirited Stafford.

Undecided said...

Chris is a nice guy this is true, I have met him, and he certainly is down to earth.However, most voters don't want to hear what he has not done for the city of Lake Worth , we would rather hear what he has done in his tenure as comissioner.Please tell us the things that Chris has pushed for on his own through his own initiative, that has made a change in the city. I am not being critical or "nasty" as some are.I am just trying to make an informed decision. Chris is running on his record and I am not sure about the things he has accomplished.

Anonymous said...

And a reduction in electric rates

Lynn Anderson said...

Has he knocked on your door yet? Do you ever go to commission meetings? He has been on the side of getting things done in this city. I'm not going to rehash it all again. These things were all done when he had the majority vote which he has not had over this past year. Therefore, many bad decisions were made of which he was not apart.

Let me ask you this--what has Stafford done?

Anonymous said...

Your ad for Chris didn't say how he brought about those taxes rates.
Should we have increased the millage rate instead of depleating the reserves?
Those are the types of questions I hope are addressed in the last debate.

Lynn Anderson said...

In my opinion, they should have forgone eliminating the conservation tax on the utility bill this year that amounted to less than $2 for most people per month and then they would not have had to take $430,000 from Reserves.

Anonymous said...

That is correct Lynn that is your opinion, the problem is it might have been costing you and your friends $2.00 a month but the average customer was paying much more

Lynn Anderson said...

The average Kwh usage is 1,000 a month which costs $1.95 a month conservation charge...something like that.

Anonymous said...

If you consume more, you pay more. Sounds fair to me.

Undecided said...

The city did not get in this bad shape in one year. If you are telling me the things he has done were done then and the bad things were done this year then I am confused as to what he did to better the situation for the previous time. Chris has not come my door and I have only gone to a few commission meetings. The things I heard and saw were not of much importance. But then again I only went for the thing I was interested in. To be honest there were not many people attending any of the times. So I don't know how many people attend meetings. I don't know what Mr. Stafford has done, however he is not the commissioner and an encumbent should stand out after all he had the bully pupit for 2 years.Mr. Staffor seems like a nice enough guy and if Chris Mcvoy has not proved himself to all of the city than mabe someone new should be given a chance.Seems that all candidates are new and unproven at one time.Time and accomplishments prove the effectiveness of that candidate.

Anonymous said...


Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks for the pep speech, Mr. Stafford.

Anonymous said...

The money and support should start rolling in for Stafford now.
Thanks for the help.

Anonymous said...

Romano got $50,000 one year and lost to Drautz. Stafford, heard you were slouched down in the back row last night. Keeping quiet during public commentary. Good idea. The less people know you the better off your chances. Then there are the people who you attacked only four years ago who won't forget you other than one silly guy on Golfview, friend of Sharpe.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, you were at the meeting last night. What did you think.
McVoy seemed argumentative and did not seem to understand that the Juice Board had fewer facts legally available to them than the Commission and the Selection committee.
Intellect is great, but I don't see how McVoy's is helping us.