Monday, March 11, 2013

Keep our downtown a low-rise city

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35 and 45 feet--
No matter what they tell ya, here is the skinny:

The commission changed the zoning to allow 6 story high-rises along Lake and Lucerne and into the adjacent neighborhoods.  They are creating a Hotel Overlay District (the mayor's plan) in the Bryant Park neighborhood because this is where developers want to ready themselves to start building high-rises. Near the Intracoastal Waterway is the primo location and where developers make the most money. After they penetrate our prime downtown property, they then will move west changing our sky-light forever.

So no matter how they want to confuse the situation as well as placing their signs on the public rights-of-way, on a hotel, give TV interviews convincing the people that their way is the right way, and give a State of the City Address in a public building to promote growing our city vertically, let's tell them we want our city to remain low-rise.

 You can tell them that tomorrow
 by voting
 yes on Amendment 2.


Anonymous said...

iN AN EARLIER STORY ,SOMEONE POSTED, "this blog should be about honest debate where citizens would be educated about the issues.Lynn is educating people . And she is telling the truth about this issue. Which the vote no people are NOT doing.
Mary,Loretta,Greg ,Wes and the rest of the vermin,pretty sad that you have to lie about the issue.

Anonymous said...

It's really unfortunate it all had to come to this. I believe the mayor and her friends will lose. But that will not be the end of it. All of us who love and treasure our small, historic town are going to remember that they tried to destroy it forever. I think, therefor, that the charter amendment that we are about to approve should be remembered with a celebration every year, so that we can re-inforce and re-educate and re-mind everyone what took place during these weeks and months. And to remind them that people like Greg Rice and Loretta and Pam Triolo and John Szerdi and Scott Maxwell and Andi Amoroso and Wes Blackman should have no place in the life of the city going forward.

Anonymous said...

I love that dog!

Anonymous said...

Greg Rice, Loretta, Pam Triolo, John Szerdi, Scott Maxwell, Andy Amaoroso, and Wes Blackman should have everything to say about the city moving forward. They pay all the taxes for you people to complain. Pay up or SHUT UP.

Lynn Anderson said...

They ARE the city, didn't you folks know that? LOL.