Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day celebration in Lake Worth

Each year, Earth Day -- April 22 -- marks the anniversary of what many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement...the hippies, the flower children, and the tree huggers.

There is a group in California that advocates Californians for Population Stabilization  that wants to stop human population growth-- says people are ruining the planet, ruining our Earth -- more people mean a terrible environment especially with the illegals.

To protect the air, water and land in California, they want American immigration policy to become more like Europe, and not let children of illegal immigrants be citizens just by being born and enforce immigration laws rather than encourage illegal immigration by doing another round of amnesty. Just when I was thinking that everyone in California was nuts.

Earth Day Celebration in Lake Worth
When:  Sat, April 26, 12pm – 9pm
Where:  Cultural Plaza, 414 Lake Avenue (map)

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