Friday, April 25, 2014

Guardian Angels

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Someone posted that we should invite the Guardian Angels here to cleanup the streets.  They were in Lake Worth in 2007 to help with the gang problem. A few were upset with their presence as their fame and formidable stature were definitely intimidating as they walked through the downtown and on the streets in the south end. You couldn't miss their red jackets and red barets.

There are now more than 130 Guardian Angels safety patrol chapters throughout the world, with constant additions being made. And the grassroots community patrols that Curtis began also spurred the creation of neighborhood watch groups throughout the United States and around the world.


Anonymous said...

They came to Lake Worth because the Lake Worth Police Department was so inept. The city had enough and brought in the PBSO at the end of 2007.

Anonymous said...

We need someone like Cliven Bundy to come here and help take back our city.

Lynn Anderson said...

It was in August 2008 on a 3 to 2 vote that brought in the PBSO. Lisa Maxwell said at the time that the city "needs additional resources, they're not getting them, this is an opportunity that you have as leaders to stand up and do the right thing. I don't know how many more of the residents sitting around this group can wait for action from this commission."

The fact of the matter was--we already got additional resources from our county taxes that paid for all this additional stuff--helicopters, etc. The gangs were busted up on federal RICO charges.

Anonymous said...

Cliven Bundy take back the city from what? We already have enough deadbeats that don't want to pay their way.

Anonymous said...

i dont live in LW but if I did and the street crime was beyond my tolerable level....yes, each citizen has their own "tolerable level". to some folks "graffiti" upsets their world. For others it takes a car jacking or strong armed robbery to ruffle their feathers. I would contact the Guardian Angels and have them do an eval to see if LW meets the criteria for a visit from their organization. They might have some useful info or suggestions on how to organize crime watch areas. The PBSO will take will send a strong message to them to wake up and smell the coffee....the citizens of LW aren't satisfied with their level participation re street crime. But thats just me looking in from the outside.
Good Luck LW.....God helps them who help themselves.