Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fight Fire with Fire - Burma is

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We in this country coddle religious extremists under Freedom of Religion. Even Obama said, "A nation built on religious freedom must allow it" when talking about the Muslims who wanted to build a mosque by the site of the World Trade Center. "This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable," he said in 2010.

Is the world being taken over by radicals?  It's a nutty place in some parts of the globe and there is a country that is considering taking a radical step to change its laws to end it, once and for all.

The country of Burma, 89% Buddist, that has an approximate 61 million population and is rich in jade, gems, oil and natural gas, is considering an “anti-conversion” law that would make it illegal for a Burmese Buddhist to convert to any other religion.



Anonymous said...

This is a Christian country and following Burma's lead of ridding the country of other religions sounds quite appealing to me, too.

Lynn Anderson said...