Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The buck stops with everyone else

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Obama has had continued passes from the media until lately. Taking the above thought even further, "it seems there are some issues about which even the sycophantic media are unwilling to give President Obama a pass. On Sunday, Obama equivocated on missing the rise of ISIL when he told 60 Minutes’ Steve Kroft that it was the intelligence community’s fault. By Monday evening, the intelligence community and the media were crying foul." 

Read more about it...

Now if we can just get the local media to stop giving "passes" to this commission, we all might be better off here in Lake Worth. If we can get the commission to stop bullying, intimidating, believing that we the people are misguided and finding fault by blaming everyone else for its failures, we could possibly have some progress in Lake Worth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the city has intimidated the press. look what they did to channel 12? this station used to do some investigative reporting here. now they have fizzled out because the mayor got furious. they have also the Post in their hip pocket and that local paper has always been joined at the hip with this group. the press is like this all over the country.