Thursday, November 27, 2014

Lessons from the Ferguson Verdict from a Middle-Class White guy

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If you never read another thing on Ferguson, please Read this--it is  brilliant.

An excerpt--The Ferguson, Missouri, rioters put on one heck of a show for all the world to see on Monday night, didn’t they? That was not your traditional American Thanksgiving display. But what do I know? I’m just a middle-class white guy. I was raised to respect property, respect police, never say “F– the police,” never desecrate the American flag, never burn down stores in my own neighborhood, love my country, believe in the American dream, study hard, get straight A’s, work hard and good things will happen. And funny enough, my life has worked out pretty well.


Anonymous said...

Darn it. I could have used this middle-class white guy when those Bundy Ranch "patriots" were issuing threats against federal law enforcement agents and aiming their guns at them, all in the name of some overweight white guy wearing a cowboy hat and boots and ripping off Uncle Sam.

I'm guessing this middle-class white guy didn't notice.

For obvious reasons.

Lynn Anderson said...

How do you even have the nerve to compare rancher Bundy to the criminals in Ferguson. That's the problem with you racists...twisted reasoning.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 10:56- please leave the United States of America. Go away to ANY OTHER country in the world. Preferably a communist country.A country where everyone is EQUAL.Stay for a year. Come back and tell us all how it went.

Lynn Anderson said...

I don't need to "run it by Rush."
The punks in Ferguson cost nearly $6 million in damages not to mention injuring police and bystanders...throwing rocks, shooting guns, burning down businesses, turning over vehicles, stealing, etc. What did Clive do? He challenged the feds on land he and his family had grazed for 200 years. Did he fire a gun? You want to compare a stand-off do what those criminals in Ferguson did?

Lynn Anderson said...

and one more thing--You did not read or interpret my blog on someone chaining up his bike. I never said it was an illegal or that it had anything whatsoever to do with an illegal potentially stealing said bike. Can you EVER read and interpret correctly or do you just like to argue points that do not exist? Don't choke on that turkey leg.

Anonymous said...

I'm making a comparison and pointing out that there are certain folks in America who are unable to make that comparison...and you're proving my point beautifully.

BTW, if you recall, Clive wasn't alone. There were many others out there who were just as racist as Clive and much more aggressive. Including the one patriot who wound up killing 2 police officers in Vegas a little later.

No, Bundy and his crew didn't burn down businesses or shoot anyone out there in the middle of a desert filled with tumbleweeds, but they were ready to and probably would of had the feds decided to enforce the law.

I don't know how much of my taxpayer monies went to babysit Clive and his boys, but between that and the money that Clive has refused to pay the federal govt. in land rights over the years, I'm thinking it's at least $6 mill.

I know none of this makes sense to you and the aforementioned middle-aged white guy, but that's precisely my point.

The same people who look at a bike missing a front tire and think of illegal immigration and Obama will look at Bundy and Ferguson and see nothing in common at all. It's a natural.

Anonymous said...

"Don't choke on that turkey leg."

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. I guess I should feel happy that you didn't post a bullet with my name on it.

Lynn Anderson said...

I guess you choked after all. Give me your name.

Lynn Anderson said...

@ 1:16--I would imagine if the government is after you and after your land or grazing rights that you had for 200 years, they will come and get it from you.
I also would doubt very much if the cost of pursuing and grabbing that land by the government cost that much, then .000001 cent of your taxes might have gone towards it. Don't worry. that won't break you. I would be much more concerned about the government doing that as well as causing a racial incident in Ferguson that burned much of that area to the ground with NO national guard called in that would have prevented it.
Even a normal middle-aged white guy, or gal, can see that.

Another middle class white guy said...

I agree with the author and feel the same way. many now though do not trust or respect police, even us whites, but we would not do what Brown did. What he did in the store that was shown on the in-store video was aggressive and wrong, so if he did that to the attendant in the store, how was he with the police officer when the police confronted him? I am sure aggressive too. His parents should not be proud of him as a thug son. It is too bad the cop just didn't use a tazer or shoot at his legs and harm him, then maybe he could have rotted in jail for a few years instead. Killing others is not the solution, but Brown showed himself as a thug in the store video of him robbing the place. Why are so many people support this thug, I do not care what color his is, has nothing to do with color, everything to do with the fact that brown was a thug and the cop had every right to stop him, and he did, likely because all the evidence points to why. Wise up all, stop giving into thug mentality.