Monday, December 22, 2014

Common Core may be Jeb Bush's Achilles Heel

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With Jeb Bush's support of Common Core in Education be his downfall for a presidential bid?

Dr. Karen Effrem of Florida Stop Common Core Coalition says, “We’re not too excited about him running for president because of his major support for Common Core, which he’s not backing off of and his family’s legacy of increasing the federal footprint ... and federal control over education,” she told Sunshine State News.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeb is also responsible for messing up the entire state university system in FL by doing away with the board of regents and replacing it with BOT's for each university who are running universities with very little background in higher education. The university system in FL is so screwed up now that now FL has a hard time attracting academics and top notch students from other countries and states to come here. He dumb-downed the entire system of higher education in FL. You now have BOT's for universities making important decisions all selected by the governor who have no business making such decisions about higher education and academia. It is nuts and has really hurt higher education in Florida. Then you wonder why educators in FL do not support Jeb.