Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Are Democrats just simply naive?

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Nearly every day I wonder why I am still a member of the Democratic Party.  It simply amazes me as liberals have ruined our country--there is no way under God's green Earth that we can sustain ourselves. We are on our way to not only socialism and doling out money to every one who asks, but non-secularism. We are becoming passive when confronted by our enemies and even supposedly with the best military on Earth, we are not trying to defeat them. And whether Democrats want to admit it or not, Republican states are out-performing liberal states.

The headline in today's Palm Beach Post reads: Parties seem to diverge on Muslims. Apparently there was a fundraising dinner organized by the Palm Beach County Democratic Party and the American Muslim Alliance where both groups were kissy face. Top Democrats in the county attended the dinner.

Finally after 1.5 hours, Ken Sommers, Democratic activist, actually had the courage not to be politically correct and asked about the Muslim violence in other parts of the world as well as the be-headings and other atrocities. Inman Abdul Hakin stated that there is "no justification for violence" and all the Democrats knowingly smiled and  readily accepted the Inman's statement that explained nothing. If he said it, it must be fact. Obviously, these tens of thousands of Muslim terrorists are an anomaly, Democrats believe.

According to Breitbart, the Iranian elite paramilitary force leader Major General Qassem Soleimani accused the United States of having “no will” to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and blasted President Barack Obama as not having “done a damn thing” to quell the terrorist insurgency.

There may be no justification for violence as the Inman stated, but it is happening, justification or not. We see it on the news every day. Evil persists. If you read the Quran, it promotes death to non-believers of the Muslim faith. As sister Hatune Dogan said, “Twenty-five times in the Quran it says to kill Christians because we are involved in polytheism [which is untrue]. Also it says to not make friends with Christians. A mosque is not just for prayer, it is to prepare to kill the unbeliever and control the world.”

Muslims worldwide have been encouraged by the leader of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) to embrace jihad, claiming Islamist fighters will one day conquer Rome, the capital of Christianity. I have no doubt that they will try and kill tens maybe hundreds of thousands of people on the way to fulfilling their mission.

The Republican Party is planning on an event to bring forth the realistic side of the Inman's "We are a non-violent people" argument while the Democratic Party keeps its politically naive head in the sand. 


Gay Dude said...

they also want to behead me.

Anonymous said...

Here's what's naive: the Saudis are bombing ISIS on a regular basis while Republican politicians, including Marco Rubio, are providing tips to Iranian Muslims on how to deal with the American President.

Hey, you said you were Independent...now you're a Democrat? All the time posting quotes from Al West and the Canadian Cuban.

I love this blog.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, now you're making some sense here. The Dem party has totally lost it and their liberal base and media have destroyed the country that your generation built into the greatest nation on earth. Might be time to change that voter id card.

Lynn Anderson said...

Philosophically, I am no longer a Democrat. That changed with Obama. Democrats have gotten worse than ever and it no longer resembles the party of the past. If I ever said that i was an independent, it must have been in the context that I vote for the man. I happen to like a few Democrats, actually, although not too many.Glad you "love" this blog,

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:19--I have thought about changing but decided that there are pros and cons with politicians in both Parties...I started out as a Republican and changed after Richard Nixon...the absolute worse SOB. There is always someone who disappoints. We need a leader, not a pussy and someone who respects the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Glad you said it, so I didn't have to. Although I don't consider Obama a pussycat, just a guy who's agenda is to destroy America. In fact, I'd say he's pretty brave for taking on that task and has done an excellent job. Now let's hope Hillary doesn't get elected to finish the job and Marco can undo the damage in short order. Jeez, I've never been so excited about your blog, usually I cringe at the McVoy liberal jibberish support on here. But hey, he tries to make sense, so give him credit for that.

Anonymous said...

I think that Obama is the absolute worst SOB.

Anonymous said...

Nixon wasn't perfect. But I liked him. He was an autodidact. Really brilliant. And one of the only presidents to leave office with less money in his bank account than when he went in. And Watergate? Bleh. A little break-in to the HQ of the opposing campaign is NOTHING compared to Barack Obama's systematic attempt to undermine police, incite riots and flood this country with millions of the poorest immigrants from the Third World, ruining our schools, bankrupting our cities and making all of us a lot less safe.

Lynn Anderson said...

He escalated the war in Vietnam where 58,000 of our men died. We had Spiro Agnew thanks to him--another bloody crook. He covered up a crime. Big mistake. We don't need a criminal as President of the US

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


A 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency Document declares “the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support(ed) the opposition” in Syria, namely al-Qaeda in Iraq, the precursor to ISIS.