Monday, June 22, 2015

Bill Maher - A Punk

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Bill Maher is a punk, a wise guy, a New Yorker (a lot of smart azzes in NY) who never met a liberal he didn't like. He even has gone after Obama for not being aggressive enough. There is nothing much else that he does like other than his own ego. Now he's a "psychologist" and can determine what makes a 21 year old mental case and loser snap. It is totally reprehensible that he is putting the blame for a mentally disturbed person on conservatives, Fox News, the Daily Caller and Donald Trump, etal. This is a typical far-out liberal Saul Alinsky technique and if you spout hate often enough, a percentage of people will believe it.

Racism has been around for centuries before it was considered "racist" going back in our country as far as the 1600's when African Americans exploited their own people by buying and owning black slaves.  People such as Bill Maher, a caustic comedian, are looked up to in this country by the liberal left-wing and mostly the impressionable young who believe his remarks as "cute and funny" and maybe even "gospel" when in fact they viciously condemn all who think differently as if he is the only one with a brain.  If you don't adhere to his paranoia, you are nothing short of racist in his eyes.

 We should have better "heroes" in this country--not comedians who are anything but funny and who really are "racists."

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