Thursday, June 18, 2015

Quote of the Day - Pam Triolo

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"Did everyone have a chance to meet with the city manager this week?  And you asked these questions that we've had tonight?"

~ Mayor Pam Triolo

The mayor has brought this sort of question up in the past.  I would gather from her questions that there is some sort of resentment when a commissioner comments in-depth on issues before this majority commission.  The public has the right to know how these votes affect them and all of it should be brought out and discussed in a public forum, not only behind closed doors with the city manager.

In this particular case, it had to do with Land Development Regulations--turtle lights, zoning changes, mix use projects--planned unit developments with an Ordinance of over 30 pages, many pages that were illegible, that indicate significant changes that would/could and will affect your single family neighborhood and our city if implemented. Ryan Maier asked, "Who makes the determination that this zoning change can happen?" William Waters replied, "It is by recommendation from the Historical or Planning & Zoning boards or BOTH." Can you even imagine that a bully blogger could determine your neighborhood's fate?

Then Commissioner Amoroso had to get the same little dig in when he asked William Waters if McVoy or Maier had talked to him regarding their issues [concerns]. Why this commission does not yet understand that the people have trust issues with them is perplexing or why something as important as the LDR's should not be discussed in depth in public meetings.

The motion was amended to exclude sea turtle lighting, re-zoning, the planned developments, penalties that could be issued by the Historic Preservation Board that include a criminal consequence. These exclusions will be brought back for further discussion. The motion was made and passed on a 5/0.


Anonymous said...

Maybe M&M should do there job, and read the backup, and ask questions to the staff. Instead they are too worried about sea level rise, and how long to leave a perm in. If Maxwell, Triolo, and Amarroso can take Tuesdays off to do there City Job. These CLOWNS should be able to also, or maybe they should resign.

Anonymous said...

We are very fortunate to finally have two commissioners who ask all the right questions and who are protecting our neighborhoods, turtles, etc. There have been way too many commissioners, Clemens, Lowe, Vespo, McKinnon and Burns that got us into trouble. No way should Blackman on the Historic Board have any power to do anything but resign.

Bluto said...

Hey Lynn, in case you hadn't heard, a white guy shot and killed a bunch of black people who were praying in a church in Charleston last night. Maybe you want to approach it from a "War on Christians" angle to make it go down a little easier for you and your readers. Or maybe you want to talk about it from the "more guns" meme...if only those in the church had guns, right?

But to not talk about it at all here because this time it's a rightwing domestic terrorist white supremacist doing the killing and not some minority? We all know what that's called, don't we?

Sometimes we reveal ourselves by what we choose NOT to write about, don't we?

Lynn Anderson said...

The other thing that I failed to say is that black on white crime is rarely ever reported by the liberal press. I just don't want to leave them out of the mix.

Anonymous said...

Unelected citizen boards whose members are appointed on the basis of political favoritism and not qualifications have NO business being able to put ANY penalties on their fellow citizens. Is this why Wes Blackman wanted a list of all people who had vote against the 20/20 bond in their yards? Law suite alert. Lawsuit alert,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Luckily I don't live in the historic district so I can't be the subject of Wes' hate and prejudice.

Steve said...

What a joke that WB person is. Can't the City find people to serve who don't have a chip on their shoulder. If I went before him I would certainly request he abstain as I know how vindictive of a person he is.

Anonymous said...

I would ask any board member picked by Triolo,Maxwell or Amoroso to abstain from Judging me.