Friday, July 17, 2015

Quote of the Day - Bobby Jindal

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It’s time for the White House to wake up and tell the truth…and the truth is that Radical Islam is at war with us, and we must start by being honest about that. There have been many bad things that have happened under President Obama. One that stands out to me was the horrible shooting at Ft. Hood…which was clearly an act of terrorism by a Radical Islamist. Yet the White House labeled that horrible act as ‘workplace violence'. This is grotesque. You cannot defeat evil until you admit that it exists.

~ Bobby Jindal

Talking about the killing of four marines in Chattanooga by Kuwaiti-born 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez.

1 comment:

Lynn Anderson said...

10:24--having a bad day? LOL