Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Enterprise and Special Revenue Funds - The Difference

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Wrong information is being championed once again on another blog.  So, to set that blogger straight as well as the public, below are the Enterprise Funds, starting on page 65 of our 2015 Budget, that we have within the City of Lake Worth. I already answered his charges earlier this month, Click here but it's a constant challenge with some people where facts just are not digested or get in the way.

The Beach Fund is a Special Revenue fund. These type of funds start on page 49 of our 2015 Budget. The Beach Fund is NOT an Enterprise Fund nor is the Golf Course Fund.

Special Revenue funds are described as follows: Special Revenue Funds are established to account for revenues and expenditures that are restricted by law or contract. The City operates  twelve Special revenue funds, two of which are the Beach Fund and the Golf Fund, the two that this blogger  seems to have the most "problem" with that began when the Vice Mayor got confused.

Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to a commercial enterprise, where the intent of the Commission is that the costs of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. The City operates the following enterprise funds:

Electric Fund (Fund 401) – To account for the provision of electric service to residents of the service area. All activities to provide such service are accounted for in this fund, including administration, generation, transmission, distribution, and customer service.

Water Fund (Fund 402) – To account for the provision of water service to residents of the service area. All activities to provide such service are accounted for in this fund, including administration, generation, transmission, distribution, and customer service.  City Code Section 18

Local Sewer Fund (Fund 403) – To account for the provision of sewer service to customers of the local service area. All activities to provide such service are accounted for in this fund, including administration, collection, pumping, treatment, disposal and customer service. City Code Section 18

Regional Sewer Fund (Fund 405) – To account for the provision of sewer service to customers of the regional service area. All activities to provide such service are accounted for in this fund, including administration, collection, pumping, treatment, disposal and customer service. Chapter 85.439 Laws of Florida

Stormwater Fund (Fund 408) – To account for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater utility systems. Revenues in this fund are obtained via non ad-valorem tax receipts. City Code Section 18.4 and Section 2.151

Refuse Fund (Fund 410) – To account for the provision of solid waste removal for the residents and businesses of the service area. All activities to provide for such service are accounted for in this fund, including collection and disposal. Revenues in this fund are obtained via non ad-valorem tax receipts for residential collection and billed service fees for commercial collections. City Code Section 12.15 and Section 2.151

I wish all this information would sink in for some writers so that I don't have to continually do all of this work, over and over again.  And the solution is simple--read the budget.


Anonymous said...

Wes' speciality, attack, attack, attack, bully, bully, bully. He learned nothing at the Peace Pole ceremony. Everyone knows what he's all about.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, why not start videoing him. Get right in his face.

Anonymous said...

The Vice Mayor is selectively "confused".
As for Wes, he is an example of "what goes around,comes around". Pitiful coward.
Thanks again Lynn for this info. You make it very understandable. I really learned something .