Sunday, September 20, 2015

Farrahakan, the Hateful Grinch

If you thought all the racial animosity that flared all summer might cool down as fall and winter approach, think again, says WND.

In one breath Farrakhan says that Blacks have the 10th largest economy on Earth and in the next breath he implies that Whitey has kept Blacks in the ghetto and has taken advantage--that White businesses, you know, those places that create jobs for "his" people, need to feel his pain. He wants to boycott them.  He refers to himself as a religious leader with the Nation of Islam and is perceived to be  antiSemetic, anti-White and anti-gay. He's a hateful guy.

Not content with his declared war on white people and his suspected inspiration for the deadly war on police officers, the new Mr. Grinch has declared war on Christmas!

Read about the hate mongeror. We'll never get to 2nd base in race relations with people such as he.

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