Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Quote of the Day - Wes Blackman

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"My logic is, if it's good for the Post, then it's good for me."

~ Wes Blackman

Although Mr. Blackman (a real estate sales associate with PALM BEACH EAST REAL ESTATE OFFICE LLC in West Palm Beach and an employee of Hudson Holdings, the guys who wanted to grab our beach), is talking about the real estate market in South Florida, we take him at his word with his quote on his blog and remind him of the Palm Beach Post endorsement in 2007 when he was running against Jo-Ann Golden, one of his favorite targets for hit pieces and character assassinations.

Obviously from his statement above, he agrees that the Post made the better choice. Golden won that election with 52.56% of the vote.


Anonymous said...

"My logic is, if it's good for the Post, then it's good for me."

~ Wes Blackman

Well now I finally understand what's wrong the guy.

Anonymous said...

Good gotcha. The super majority should have won but there were just as many corrupt people then as we have now, developer whores as someone always says.

Anonymous said...

No one can ever figure out why Blackman does what he does. Must be jealousy or is he just plain nuts?

Anonymous said...

Good one, Lynn! How about--'If it's good enough for the Post, Hudson Holdings, and my income, yea, it sure is good enough for me to sit on committees and make a few changes. Isn't that how politics works here?' Sit on committees and get paid by your future employer. It's a new form of a "working" interview! Sssshhhh--

Anonymous said...

LOL anon at 11:23 Good one.

Anonymous said...

BTW ,I will be outside of city hall before the meeting tonight selling Wes Blackman Proctology Services Tee shirts.
"When you need a Good Head up Your Ass,Call Wes! Experience Counts!"

Lynn Anderson said...

To the idiot who just tried to post here, for your information, no personal attacks are allowed against this blogger. Read the policy. Oops, forgot, you don't read; you only make up stuff. It is so juvenile and that's the problem I have with you/him...all the personal attacks. He is to be ignored as I don't have time for kids. Next, he needs to write the truth, something he has a lot of problem with. He never got over being beaten in that election. Next, the next time you/he goes back years ago and writes something ugly about a former commission or a former city manager, I will remind you/him of that. History does have a way of haunting one, doesn't it? LOL.

Anonymous said...

The Post really? They just glorified an addict and his friends last Sunday as a memorial was foisted on our Bryant Park, what a story to high light for LW.