Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Five Year Plan - Michael Bornstein

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Michael Bornstein was hired on April 16, 2012.
When he arrived he stated that he had a 5 year plan to "save" the city. We were all very much aware that we had big problems with slum, blight and crime and assumed he meant that as well as helping Scott Maxwell with his goals of development.
He has been here now for 3.5 years.
How is he doing?


Anonymous said...

im curious how he plans to accomplish this plan with no employees...

Anonymous said...

Let's see: so far he has taken government out of the sunshine and in back room deals to new heights (pun intended), angered most of the residents by trying to slither in private development at the beach, has never found an expensive new project for the city in the millions he didn't like even when it duplicated services (new elec meters), still tries everyway possible to sabotage the pool and beach, fired lots of longtime city workers and kept others without raises, gotten himself a $10,000 raise for this, and now is supposedly away at a convention while Hudson Holdings is having a news conference in the Casino Ballroom on their pending takeover of our beach. Now I ask you, how much more is needed before we can recall/fire him?? This should go on the next ballot anyone??

Anonymous said...

AMEN to both of the above statements!!!

Anonymous said...

Heard he has been looking for another job. This is so cushy, why would he be doing that with a 5 year contract that Maxwell arranged? Do you call this pay to play?

Anonymous said...

haha watch he finds another job then requests more money for him to stay here. Im sure they'd find more money for a raise for such a well deserving fake backstabbing phoney like him.

Anonymous said...

im sure his 5 year plan doesn't include employee retention.. Another employee just resigned today according the personnel in Human Resources

Anonymous said...

Some other City or company can have him, no doubt alot of the employees would assist in moving him. So much hate and discontent with our city employees. Morale could not be lower except for the happy well paid leaders.

Anonymous said...

well said @ 2:33PM.

Anonymous said...

Part of the CM's 5 year plan must have been to alienate employees, fire or encourage most of them, get only staff that totally agrees with him and make his staff and himself more money and cut the throats of his working employees.