Thursday, November 19, 2015

Patriotism - The Vote

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A Signe Wilkinson cartoon

When I saw this on the editorial page of the Palm Beach Post this morning I had to chuckle. One of the characters asks, "What is an election?" "What is a Vet?" As sad as the message is, it is all so true. There is way too much apathy in our country today and certainly not enough respect for those who keep us safe. I have friends that fit into this mold of indifference. It is impossible to understand.

The majority of people don't care about the big picture, only their own little world. They complain about this, that and the next thing, but don't go vote. They don't even bother coming to a city commission meeting to witness the tyranny. They don't keep informed. They stay on Facebook all day long and digest the political sound-bytes.

It is always up to a small group of patriots who stick their necks out, to get to the bottom of it all in hopes that people just might care, one little iota. We keep on plugging and we keep on voting.


Anonymous said...

Many Americans feel this way today, but it is because our government abuses their right on good Americans. Take jury duty for example. Here in Palm Beach County they abuse good people who go, to keep sending them summons to go more. I have been summoned three times in 7 years, that is way too much. It should be 1-2 in a lifetime. The government is abusing their right to require this much jury duty here. No one people do not want to register to vote so to not be called to jury duty anymore. I heard only the good people go or show up, most don't since they do not send the summons certified mail, so no evidence one actually received it. OUR GOVERNMENT abuses good citizens willingness to serve, using and abusing, yet allowing others to get off scott free. Not to mention that our court system is flawed. Allowing lawyers to prod and probe prospective juror to get the ones they want on the jury so to support their client. It actually should all be done at random with not interview questions prior to selection. Our government is broken in so many ways. Lynn points out many of them on this blog, the abuse, the lack of enforcement of laws, the illegals running free here committing crimes, the USA is lawless and out of control in favor of the bad guys, not us good guys. So sad!

Lynn Anderson said...

I believe that potential juries are summoned through driver's licenses now.
Jury duty was sort of fun but a pain in the butt driving to West Palm Beach. Glad I don't have to do it anymore.

Anonymous said...

Lynn you forgot so soon? Our vote doesn't count with this commission. they are happy that people don't vote.