Saturday, March 19, 2016

Punks interrupting our election process

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A so-called “antifascist” group that supports illegal immigration is planning a rally against GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump today in New York City, the same day that a Black Lives Matter affiliated group that also supports illegal immigration is planning a rally in Phoenix, Arizona. Source: Breitbart

Now who in the hell supports anything illegal? They say that they are opposing "hatred" when it is they who hate. Donald Trump wants to enforce our laws. Crazy people believing their own hatred and lies and mud-slinging, are trying to take down a presidential candidate by denying free speech.

Now Donald Trump's children have been threatened. Eric received a threatening letter that contained white powder.

They all need to be arrested.


Anonymous said...

It's funny how some Americans get upset when the ideals of America are being violated by a lying, racist coward who does not hesitate to attack women in the most vile and despicable way: publicly and with no humility. I am surprised that you, as a woman, apparently approve of that behavior or at least dismiss it with a wave of the hand and a word of the support for the pig that is doing it.

I have watched Republicans sacrifice just about everything including their morals, values and conservative principles in order to support Trump. And now we're watching women sacrifice their femininity in order to encourage and support him.

I blame Trump for his behavior but I blame his supporters and enablers like you and the commenters to this post that are sure to follow, for promoting his hate, misogyny, and disdain for the office of the Presidency of the United States. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

No, violence is not right. But the attack on America and the threat Donald Trump poses to this country brings out the passions of a lot of Americans who still believe that America IS Great and revere our government. That behavior is 10X's more understandable than a billionaire mocking the handicapped, a war hero and women on a daily basis.

Lynn Anderson said...

You liberals give me a swift pain in the azz. Start lying on your lying Hillary. That would be time well spent.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that you label all people who don't agree with you as "liberal?" Is that all you got? Seriously?

I'm a lifelong Republican who first supported Jeb and then went to Marco...and now, I guess I have to go with Cruz.

It makes me sick to watch the low information electorate of my party support and defend Trump. We should be running from him as fast as we can instead of embracing his madness and anti-American characteristics. Him and his supporters might just bring down conservatism in the name of their nationalistic fascism that they're spouting right now. They're too stupid to realize it, of course, and when they do, it will be too late.

I want my party back.

Anonymous said...

You are not going to get your party back. Let me explain why. For the last 30 years, your party has promised to rein in government. But the federal government has ballooned in size. For the last 15 years, your party has put Israel's interest ahead of America's when it comes to foreign policy, and thousands of lives have been sacrificed to "make the Middle East safer for Israel." Your party promised to devolve power to the states. Instead, your party has gobbled up power for itself, assuming with "No Child Left Behind" a larger federal role in education than any Democrat dared to dream of. For the last 40 years, your party has promised to protect Americans. But instead, it has served the donors and the CEOS, whose companies profit from wages being driven down by massive illegal immigration that puts Americans in danger.

Your party has betrayed its members. Your party has betrayed all Americans. For this reason, your party is about to get walloped. GET READY.

Lynn Anderson said...

Citizens are politically ignorant and it's been this way for decades. People know who the Kardashian's are but don't know who the capital of the United states is named for. They are believing in more and more government and free stuff and Dems are promising them that. Look at all the people following Bernie with the promise of a free college education. Students today have no respect for their teachers and no respect for adults, period. They think they're smarter. The best way to get smarter voters is through education but liberal politics is taught in the schools. Young adults worry about their immediate lives, their kids, and their jobs. People who are liberal don't care that Hillary is a liar. They don't care that we have bullies running our local government. They believe the big lie and are like sports fans, cheering for their favorite who beats up on the other guy the best.

Here in Lake Worth as an example, incumbents take credit for certain changes without giving the complete picture and cost such as lowering electric rates but taking from reserves to balance that budget.

It's a betrayal all across the board, not just on a national level but on a local one as well. People don't trust politicians and why should they. When someone does tell the facts, they are maligned so badly and called names.

Black is white and white is black and no one is taking the time to understand the issues and what is at stake. Everything in politics is twisted by twisted politicians. There is so little incentive to seek the truth. "They are popular and they have been endorsed then they must be the best." Some politicos here get into the subject of global warming from time to time. It is way too big of an issue to even discuss. Let's take care of the basics.

Essentially, Democrats are for government control and expanding it with a disregard of private property rights whereas Republicans believe in free market principles and have a respect for the rights of the individual. The Republican vision is the right way to go for America so we shall see who stomps whom in November.