Friday, June 24, 2016

Young voters are totally uninformed

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Anonymous said...

They should watch Fox News like the rest of us here and get educated. I remember back in the 60's when I was that age and there wasn't Fox News I was as uninformed as they are. I was for peace and equality and tolerance....what did I know? Once I got older and started reading and watching and becoming more informed, I learned that all that stuff is just mumbo jumbo from lefties. If only I knew then what I know now, you know?

Anonymous said...

"Peace,equality and tolerance",all qualities very much lacking in todays Democratic party and on our College campuses. Don't like the way a vote went? Start crying ,rolling around on the floor and having a sh$t fit like the Democrats just did.Don't like an invited speakers point of view on your campus? Don't debate them to articulate what your opposing view is. Threaten them,don't allow them to speak,and have them removed from your college.No wonder so many Democrats are disgusted with what their party has become.

Anonymous said...

Watch the video ,7:22.And then sit down and think long and hard about your choices. Nobody wants to think that they have been so wrong about so much,but there it is.