Monday, August 29, 2016

Quote of the Day - Allen West on Quarterback Colin Kaepernick

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“I would recommend a simple scripture from the wise King Solomon for Mr. Kaepernick, Proverbs 17:28 (NIV): ‘Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.' Or, as the old folks down South would say, ‘best for a stupid person to keep their mouth shut and not open it and let everyone know they are.'

 “When the National Anthem is played, I salute because I am a black man born and raised in the inner city afforded the opportunity for greatness in my own right. May you seek God’s forgiveness and find humility, because we, the people are not going to forget what you did and said.”

~ Allen West

Reacting to the NFL star Kaepernick who refused and says he will continue to refuse to stand for our National Anthem and our Flag. His father refers to him as a "kid" who was Baptized Methodist and is religious and says we shouldn't be so hard on him.  He's 25 years old and has been given every advantage to be a success in America developing his God given talents. It is rumored that he is being radicalized by his girlfriend.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to know if he is doing anything else for his "cause"- if his support of the black lives matter movement is limited to failing to get off his rear when the national anthem is played, shame on him.

Anonymous said...

The folks who have spent the last 8 years dissing the President of the United States and telling us that the country is so stupid and screwed up that we have to vote for someone who is "going to make America great again" are suddenly concerned about someone who is disrespecting the US of A.

As if.

Lynn Anderson said...

No, you have it wrong.
No one is "suddenly concerned." We are VERY concerned and that is why we need a change from Obama/Hillary. It has nothing to do with some idiot not standing for the National Anthem.

Anonymous said...

Let me break this down for you and Al who seem to be as self unaware as the rest of your kind.

Kaepernick is saying the same thing that Republicans have been saying about this country for 8 years. It's needs to be great again. It needs to work for the people. Donald Trump, who Al and you are solidly behind, goes as far as calling America "weak" and "stupid."

Now, you may not agree with Kaepernick's methods but he probably doesn't agree with Republicans writing letter to the Iranians or threatening to sabotage America's economy by shutting down the government. But in the end, you, Republicans and Kaepernick are saying the exact same thing.

He's just not hypocritical enough to pretend he thinks this country is great when the anthem is played.

Republicans are.

Stevie said...

To anon at 7:41:

Do you suggest we vote for a pathological liar who connived as Secy of State to enrich herself and her husband and daughter at the expense of the American taxpayer?

Vote DONALD TRUMP in November!

Anonymous said...

Exactly. It's a real trash pile, Lynn.

Just like Mr. Kaepernick would say.

Anonymous said...

Colin Kaepernick says America is not great, people tell him to leave. Donald Trump says America is not great, may become president.


Anonymous said...

What does he mean?