Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Greenfield, California has a "hot" mayor

Our former city manager, Susan Stanton, has a "hot" mayor and by "hot" I don't mean good looking particularly.  He got involved with two men who said they could do business in Greenfield for a medical marijuana dispensary--with NO license--and they were setting up their dispensary.

One other councilman thinks the mayor was bought off by marijuana proponents. The mayor faces censure tonight for meddling into this investigation.

Read about it...

Top managers bailing, even Stanton


Anonymous said...

Heurta probably was promised huge bucks for his future campaign account by the pot heads. Good for Susan for standing her ground as a city manager. the Bow Tie POS we are stuck with here in Lake Worth should ask Stanton for lessons on ethics.

Anonymous said...

stanton had to travel 3000 miles to some hodunk farming town in the middle of nowhere after getting shit canned from Lake Worth after being unemployed for 3 years prior to that. Mike should WHO for advice? Maybe you should be asking the "best commission ever" why they hired such a train wreck in the first place.

Lynn Anderson said...
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Lynn Anderson said...

In 2007, Susan Stanton, after 17 years in Largo, was fired for being a transgender. Two years later she was hired by Lake Worth. Stanton was selected for the job from a group of 50 candidates and it was a 4/1 vote to hire. She was the best qualified.

Then the politics changed and led by Scott Maxwell, she was fired after 32 months in Lake Worth, for 1) being transgendered although never mentioned and 2) standing up to the bully on the dais.

She is now happy in Greenfield, California. Why don't you, @4:31 shut the F up and leave her alone. She turned the city financially around from the red to the black.

Anonymous said...

Who voted not to hire her originally?

Anonymous said...

Stanton never embarrassed Lake Worth like the Bow Tie POS we're stuck with because we now have the most corrupt commission ever.And she actually hired people that could do more than grab their azzez with both hands,unlike our present finance director ,hired by Bozo the Bowtie Clown.Then there was the international embarrassment of going after churches in lake Worth. Then there was his latest,going after the press because he didn't like the truth.Does everyone remember when he had the Mayor's electricity turned back on in spite of her non payment?When Stanton was here we could at least go down town after dark. Stanton also saved our beach from being given away to Little Les Lackman's con men Sugar daddies,Greater Bay.Let's face it, Stanton was head and shoulders the better man for the job over Bow Tie Man, even after her sex change .

Anonymous said...

Greenfield is on its way to bankruptcy. Home owners are now paying property tax that is the highest that I have ever seen. I'm paying $4,268.34 on a home that is only valued at $272,000 and that is ridiculous. Our City Government is spending money like water. All you hear is them saying that they are moving the city forward but they will bankrupt our city. I have lived in Greenfield for over 40 years and I don't believe the corruption in Greenfield. We are deep in the red and they are spending more and more and more money. If anyone thinks that this city is running in the black, they are very stupid, indeed.