Thursday, September 22, 2016

Haitians convicted of serious crimes will be deported

Many Haitians say that the United States is aggravating the crime problem by quadrupling the number of criminal deportees to their native country. Isn't that the way?  Blame someone else for your problems, for your murders, for your heinous crimes? We don't want you here.

Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security, released a statement today.  Following is an excerpt of that release.  To read the entire statement,
Click here...

Release Date: 
September 22, 2016
For Immediate Release
DHS Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010

"Following the tragic January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) temporarily ceased removing Haitian nationals to Haiti. On April 1, 2011, ICE announced the resumption of removals on a limited basis of Haitians with final orders of removal and convicted of a serious crime, or who posed a national security threat. Since that time, the situation in Haiti has improved sufficiently to permit the U.S. government to remove Haitian nationals on a more regular basis, consistent with the practice for nationals from other nations.

Yesterday I directed that, effective immediately, enforcement decisions with respect to Haitian nationals should be, consistent standard practice, guided by my memorandum dated November 20, 2014, “Policies for the Apprehension, Detention and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants.” These policies prioritize the removal of convicted felons, individuals convicted of significant or multiple misdemeanors, and individuals apprehended at or between ports of entry while attempting to unlawfully enter the United States."

Now we'll probably hear from some left-wing human rights network.


Anonymous said...

So the Obama Administration is doing its job when it comes to Haitian deportations. Better tell Fox News, Ann Coulter, Alex Jones and NewsMax.

Now if only they would do the same with Cubans. No more wet foot, dry foot, right? Send them back.


Lynn Anderson said...

This just came out today, anonymous. So, it's about time Obama got rid of criminals. he has been a total disaster.

As far as Cubans are concerned, I agree with that--no more wet foot, dry foot. Everyone needs to come here under the same process.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, all the immigrants, no matter where they are from, or how poor they may be, manage to go home to their respective countries on a regular basis. They must be better money managers than I am.
I know a lot of hard working good Haitians. I am surprised they aren't as happy to get rid of the bad ones as we are. I also know, that foreign nationals prey upon members of their own community, which is disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

At last, deportation for criminals we have enough of our own. 8:54pm: money managing? Try free food and lodging courtesy of taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Not always the case 2:39 pm. It's more a case of priorities, and family attachments. Watch the (particularly hispanic) immigrants working in the 95 degree heat some day; that don't stop working in a lightening storm, and nobody cares to tell them to take shelter. Things aren't always what they seem.

Lynn Anderson said...

This action by Homeland Security is in regards to CRIMINALS, not hard-working Haitians or other Hispanics. Frankly, just walking across our border is a criminal act.

Lynn Anderson said...

They might not cut your lawn but they might want to cut your head off.