Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What was under Hillary's pants suit?

Appears to be a box with a wire running up her back


Anonymous said...

No mystery here, it's a wireless transmitter/ receiver often used as backup in case the stage mic fails. If you watch the news, all the anchors sitting at ,the desk have them, it's not a state secret.

Unknown said...

Wireless mic transmitter,

Anonymous said...

Until I saw the arrow, I thought the answer was balls.

Anonymous said...

It's her secret transmitter to isis. How else is she going to fulfill Obama's plan of Sharia Law?

Anonymous said...

I hate to even imagine!

Anonymous said... could be a TENS unit.
TENS stands for (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
They are so "everyday" you can buy them at CVS

Anonymous said...

It's a damn Wireless mic transmitter! you conspiracy people are so out of it, it's the same transmitter you see on any TV newscast.