Friday, October 28, 2016

Hillary keeps lying and stumbling

When it comes to things she says, she doesn't stumble, bumble or falter with her many lies. She says them all with a straight face and they come off  like Goldman Sachs pure gold. But boarding a plane?  Hillary literally stumbled while boarding a plane yesterday and she appeared to be mumbling to herself, per one reporter. I think it's the high heeled shoes and the drizzle.

Also, she required assistance going up one step onto an 18" riser to greet supporters in Lake Worth, Florida. She was wearing flats. I think the Secret Service Agent or an aide was just being polite. They were standing around to grab her just in case. Maybe it was that big birthday celebration.


Carlos said...

"Mrs. Riordan drinks a little,"

So, she's a booze hound along with being a liar and a crook.

How can anyone think of voting for her to lead our country when she has shown herself to be out for herself first,illegally using her office to enrich her family regardless of the rule of law?

Anonymous said...

Well the mystery medical guy was right there next to her. He's the fat black guy.