Sunday, January 29, 2017

Trump Proven Right - Dead people registered to vote


Anonymous said...

So they died in the last year and they weren't taken off the rolls in time for the election...and?

Tell you what...have the states, including Rick Scott's Florida, come up with a system to take people off the voter rolls when they die to clean up the lists. But unless someone can show that dead people are voting en masse, it's a non-issue.

Lynn Anderson said...

As the article said, many of the dead, registered voters somehow keep voting Democrat from beyond the grave, most recently in Philadelphia, Penn. and Colorado.

I believe it IS an issue.

Anonymous said...

it is an issue when they have to sign their name to vote if you believe it cant happen you need to open your eyes 6:05

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't want dead people voting, but I really don't want dead people collecting Social Security. You might be surprised at how lax various agencies are about updating lists. And, it's not only Federal, State, and Local; how about your Bank, your HOA and the Credit Reporting Agency. Incompetence knows no boundaries!