Thursday, October 19, 2017

Michelle Obama--Seeing the world through racial bias

Michelle Obama: “There Are Too Many White People”

Get over it, Michelle:
White: 211,460,626 (75.1%)
Black: 34,658,190 (12.3%)
Asian: 10,242,998 (3.6%)
American Indian and Alaska Native: 2,475,956 (0.9%
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander: 398,835 (0.1%
other race: 15,359,073 (5.5%)
Hispanic origin:1 35,305,818 (12.5%)


Anonymous said...

guess she is still finally glad to be American.wonder how diversified the group is she is talking to

Anonymous said...

So you watch and listen to the clip and you find out that Michelle Obama never said anything close to what you said she did.

Here's what she said: there should be a diverse make up in Congress. When you look at the Republican side of the aisle, you don't see that.

So if you contest that, what a smart blogger would do is check out the racial makeup of the Republican representatives to Congress because you know you can prove her wrong, right? After all, she's racist, right?

So go many non-white Republicans do you have in Congress?

I'll wait.

Lynn Anderson said...

There is a very diverse make-up in congress. There are a total of 535 Members of Congress. 100 serve in the U.S. Senate and 435 serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. So, if blacks make-up 12% of our total population, there are 49 blacks in Congress.
Michelle says there are too many white men. I hate people playing the race card.

Lynn Anderson said...

We know who the real racists are-- that is your only BS argument and it just doesn't work anymore. It's really sad that you believe you are holier than thou.

Anonymous said...

this woman is terrible. Who does she think elected her husband?

Anonymous said...

Michelle can take her divisiveness out of the public eye and focus on her retirement.